Survey Ladies: The Questions

Scene 1: At the top of the escalator

Survey Ladies: Would you like to take a survey?

Survey Lady 1: (the redhead): Do you eat beans?

Survey Lady 2: (the blonde): Would you like to see a new movie starring George Wendt*?

SL1: Do you eat beans with George Wendt?

SL2: Would you like to see George Wendt eating beans in a movie?

SL1: Do you eat beans at George Wendt movies?

SL2: Would you like to see George Wendt in a bean-eating movie?

SL1: How many beans do you eat in a George Wendt bean-eating movie?

SL2: How many bean-eating movies have you seen with George Wendt?

Dot: Um, it's not that we wouldn't like to take your survey...

Yakko: It's more like we'd rather have dental surgery.

Yakko and Dot: Mwah! (run off)

SL1: If you were a bean what kind of bean would you be?

(Wakko dragged away.)

SL2: Hey, we're not finished!

SL1: We'll have to start all over now!

(From escalator) Wakko: That was kind of fun!

Yakko: Yeah, like waiting in line at the DMV*.

Scene 2: In dress shop (Judy Judy Judy)

SLs: Would you like to take a survey?

Yakko: No, we wouldn't. But he would! (pulls out Skullhead)

SL1: Do you eat beans?

SL2: Would you like to see a new movie starring George Wendt?

SL1: Do you eat beans with George Wendt?

SL2: Would you like to see George Wendt eating beans in a movie?

SL1: Do you eat beans at George Wendt movies?

(Skullhead shakes head till it falls off. He runs away.)

SLs: Invalid survey.

Scene 3: In empty shop (Zipper World, Just Hangers, Body Suits)

(SLs pop out of cash register)

SLs: Would you like to take a survey?

Yakko: No. Would you like to take a hike? (slams cash register)

(From inside cash register) SL1: Maybe they don't like beans.

Scene 4: In perfume shop (Fifi Le Fume's Perfume)

(SLs pop out of perfume bottle)

SLs: Would you like to take a survey?

Yakko: Never give up, do you?

SL1: We're persistent!

Yakko: Try using a better deodorant. (squeezes puff. SLs go back inside bottle)

(From inside bottle) SL2: Maybe they don't like George Wendt.

Scene 5: Outside elevator

(Lift opens,revealing SLs.)

SLs: Would you like to take a survey?

Yakko, Wakko and Dot: Aaaaaaah!

(They run away. Baby Plucky comes along.)

SLs: Would you like to take a survey?

BP: No.

(Presses elevator button. Elevator shoots down as SLs scream.)

BP: Elelator go down the hooole.

Scene 6: In music shop (The Music Box)

(Dot opens music box. Reveals SLs rotating to music.)

SLs: Would you like to take a survey?

Dot: See, it's a running gag thing. I think everyone gets the idea now.

Scene 7: In office

(Dr. Scratchansniff opens present. Inside box are SLs.)

SLs: Would you like to take a survey?

DrSns, Hello Nurse, Ralph and Plotz: Aaaaaaah!

(Run out the window with SLs in pursuit.)

SL1: Do you eat beans?

SL2: Would you like to see a new movie starring George Wendt?

SL1: Do you eat beans with George Wendt?

SL2: Would you like to see George Wendt eating beans....

(From window) Yakko: They don't know beans about surveys. Goodnight everybody! Mwah!


*(i) George Wendt is the fat guy, Norm, on Cheers.
*(ii) The DMV is the Department of Motor Vehicles, where people wait in line for ages and ages to get their license renewed or take written tests and so forth. Until two years ago, people had to go there to drop off their vehicle registration fees as well, but thankfully it's now handled through the mail.

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